Sunday, July 17, 2005

Welcome to the land of Sluggo.

Welcome to the land of Sluggo.

Who is Sluggo, you might ask?

Sluggo was the name given to my-then unborn child, before we knew the gender, or even knew pretty much anything about the little amorphous blob of cells that was growing inside of Mrs. Sluggo (otherwise known as Sluggo's mommy.)

I, of course, am Mr. Sluggo (otherwise known as Sluggo's daddy.)

By the way, the SluggoBaby is now a 2 year old baby girl.

Now I just like the name, it just makes me smile. Everyone can be a Sluggo. Mrs. Sluggo is not that keen on it, thinking that "Sluggo" is not particularly a girly nickname, but who cares.

I like it.


Blogger carrie said...

ok, your links totally give you away. there's no anonymity on the web!
i imagine things got pretty busy last night around 2:30 a.m., no?

7/17/2005 11:41 PM  

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