Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sky News : Clinton Offered 40 Goats For Daughter

...and what the hell was I thinking, spending sever thousand dollars on a diamond engagement ring for Mrs. Sluggo, when all I had to REALLY do is come up with some quality livestock.

This is just more proof that men will never figure women out.

Sky News : Clinton Offered 40 Goats For Daughter

Friday, July 22, 2005

Breaking news

From one of my favorite web sites:


Paris, July 14, 2005--AP and UPI reported that the French government has raised its terror alert level from RUN to HIDE on their four-level danger scale. The two higher French danger levels are Surrender and Collaborate. According to informed sources, the rise was precipitated by a fire yesterday which destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing its military. In light of the recent attacks in London, it is widely anticipated that the terror alert will be elevated to the third level before the weekend.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

London Calling


To: Terrorists
From: Sluggo

Subject: New data

My friends at NASA have just come back with some startling data.

In the event of a "successful" suicide bomber attack, rumor has it that you will receive your reward of 72 virgins in the afterlife.

However, the complexities of the female reproductive system would seem to implicate that at any one time, you will be surrounded by approximately 18 women with PMS, MS or Post-MS.

Judging by how much havoc 1 woman with PMS can cause, maybe you guys are really getting what you deserve.

Salaam un alaikum,

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Blogthings - What Slanguage Do You Speak?

Language is a bit of a hobby of mine. After all, I use it every day.
OK, OK. The days that I'm not dead drunk drooling on myself.

That being said, I have been known on occasion to use a "colorful euphanism" or two.

It's kind of scary where you pick things up.

Blogthings - What Slanguage Do You Speak?

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Welcome to the land of Sluggo.

Welcome to the land of Sluggo.

Who is Sluggo, you might ask?

Sluggo was the name given to my-then unborn child, before we knew the gender, or even knew pretty much anything about the little amorphous blob of cells that was growing inside of Mrs. Sluggo (otherwise known as Sluggo's mommy.)

I, of course, am Mr. Sluggo (otherwise known as Sluggo's daddy.)

By the way, the SluggoBaby is now a 2 year old baby girl.

Now I just like the name, it just makes me smile. Everyone can be a Sluggo. Mrs. Sluggo is not that keen on it, thinking that "Sluggo" is not particularly a girly nickname, but who cares.

I like it.